As a recruitment leader you're likely having to make some drastic decisions for drastic times. For those of us who have been through a recession, we know that this is different. There's more to think about, more government help, more variables, more questions than answers - and there is no rule book for this.

This is why I'm delighted that this Recruitment Leaders' Podcast has a guy called Kevin!Kevin Green ran the REC for 10 years, and has perspective on recession, how to run a profitable recruitment agency, and how to be a sane recruitment leader.

He has evolved as HR Director at Royal Mail – to the Chief Exec of the REC – to now a Non-Executive / Strategy Director / Public Speaker for recruitment firms and “mere mortal” non-recruitment businesses with his What's Next Consultancy.  He has also written a book called Competitive People Strategy.

Coronavirus and Recruitment Leaders Staying Sane

As part of my Recruitment Leaders’ podcast, I grabbed some airtime with Kevin and discussed 4 things about the recession, how the Coronavirus is affecting recruitment, and recruitment leaders staying sane.I asked him:What are the differences for recruitment leaders, in the 2008 recession and this 2020 recession?  And how will this affect us in 2021 and beyond?How will the agency recruitment market change as a result of this recession and the Coronavirus?Are there ANY positives about what is happening right now?What specifically do you need to do to manage your business through this time?  And what should you do for yourself?This is indeed a massively painful time for recruiters and their leaders.  Listen you this 30- minute recruitment leaders podcast – give yourself that time to think about where you are, what you want, and how you’ll get it. It's a fascinating listen, with some very useful takeaways and a pep talk for recruitment leaders who need an ear.

Listen to Kevin Green on our Recruitment Leaders' Podcast

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