Recruitment leaders! You want to do more with less. You need less costs, more profit, less data, more placements, less systems, more process.

You need to ensure your recruiters, systems, and processes are super effective and drive a sustainable recruitment business. This podcast has some game changing insights for rec leaders who want to scale.

Top Recruitment Insights for Recruitment Leaders​ Who Want to Grow​

As a recruitment leader, you want to know how to get more out of your existing staff and reduce the need to hire. The stats show that 1/3 of recruiters quit due to lack of training and it costs a whopping £$€14,000 to replace just one recruiter!

In this episode of the Recruitment Leaders’ Podcast, I spoke with Alex Evans from Talint. He is the Managing Director at Talint Partners. Alex is passionate about the recruitment industry and how recruitment leaders can grow their businesses.

We looked at the constant disruption that recruitment leaders and their recruiters have had in recent years.  Why we feel that this will be a continuous disruption. And, more importantly, what we feel needs to happen to build resilient and effective recruitment businesses, able to tackle this disruption and the disruptions that will affect recruitment in the future.

We talked about:

1. Aliens

2. Assertion of control by the individual and how this affects recruitment businesses.

3. Candidate shortage??? Is there one?  And if there is or is not, what do we do about it?

4. Digital transformation in Recruitment – what does it really mean and how can it actually help the 3cs – candidates, clients, colleagues? As well as cash flow.

5. How do recruitment leaders get more from their people, data, and systems?

6. Alex shared some ideas and data from their insight report about that recruiters’ clients actually want – and it’s not hard for the average recruitment business to deliver. 

We talked a lot about people and how they drive (or drain) a recruitment business:

1. Why did 1/3 of recruiters leave in 2019?

2. How much does it cost to replace a recruiter if they leave?

3. How do you get more from your people?

4. What do we need to do to be ready for the next disruption in Recruitment?

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