Does this sound familiar? You've been told to believe bigger, but it's not working out as you hoped, leaving you feeling stuck and frustrated. I got you!

In today's episode I'm going to give you a powerful framework and 5 solid, practical, tactical steps you can take TODAY to start believing better so you can believe bigger! 


Believing bigger is useless if you don't first know how to believe better. Before you can believe bigger, you have to believe better. - Rachel Luna


Key Moments in this Episode:

00:00:00 - Believing Better Before Believing Bigger 00:03:44 - Overcoming Fear and Doubt 00:07:19 - The B.U.I.L.D. Framework 00:10:54 - The Power of Belief 00:15:13 - Leading with Love and Authority 00:16:45 - The B.U.I.L.D. Framework: Develop 00:17:44 - Believing Better 00:19:23 - Challenging Beliefs 00:27:39 - Choosing New Beliefs 00:33:23 - Belief and Purpose 00:33:58 - Evidence and Support 00:34:41 - Taking Action 00:35:32 - Incorporating Neuroscience and Faith 00:37:11 - Believing Bigger 

Details + Links Mentioned:

  • Click HERE to order your copy of Permission to Offend: The Compassionate Guide for Living Unfiltered & Unafaid

  • Learn more about CERTIFIED, Rachel's neuroscience-based coaching certification program by visiting:

  • Follow Rachel on Instagram @GirlConfident 

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