Avsnitt The Four Wards Podcast - Episode 462: Farewell to 2024 The Four Wards Podcast Spela Dela Facebook Twitter Kopiera länk
Join the Four Wards Discord! https://discord.gg/2BAXd8VStA This week, Jax, MikeofManyNames, and Pillohpet talk about 2024, then they answer a few listener questions! Keep those questions coming to thefourwardspodcast@gmail.com so we can answer them on the show! We NEED more questions! WE'RE super LOW!!! Sponsors: We don't have any right now! If you represent a brand and want to sponsor the podcast, send us an email, we'll get you talking to the right people. ---- Please continue to support the podcast by reviewing us on iTunes! We will have more information about patreon/etc in the near future! Links Referenced Join the Four Wards Discord! https://discord.gg/2BAXd8VStA Our Website: https://the-four-wards-podcast.castos.com/ The Four Wards Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheFourWardsPodcast Hope you love the episode and please, subscribe on iTunes, leave us reviews, email us, Tweet at us and help us to move this show fourward! Contact information: Email: thefourwardspodcast@gmail.com Twitch: twitch.tv/jaxomen, twitch.tv/crushu, twitch.tv/1_witch_1, twitch.tv/freeeshooter, twitch.tv/arkryu, twitch.tv/pillohpet, twitch.tv/katsura444 Twitters: @4WardsPodcast @jaxomen Rss Apple Podcaster →