"Lowsec is alive and well" http://media.blubrry.com/declarations_of_war/s/www.declarationsofwar.com/episodemp3/dow282.mp3 -Round 2 of Equinox adjustments as CCP responds to a rare united front by nullsec coalition leaders -CYNO vs EVE Uni grinds on, and on, and on -A meme war in Providence gets real serious real fast -Begun the Moon Wars Have: 2 TRILLION ISK destroyed as major powers clash over lowsec Metanox drills -Meanwhile, in WH space: Zeero and Alek discuss their highlights of living and PVPing in low-end wormholes Discover the Best Reason to Log In: https://discord.gg/apjvdyhuzD Will your corporation make a try for a Metanox moon this year? No Yes ResultsPoll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Rss Apple Podcaster →