In this episode of Neon Galactic, we again interview famed remote viewer and ufologist Birdie Jaworski about two new RV sessions she conducted on the drone/orb/UAP flap now ongoing across the country.
We dive deeper into the nature of the non-human intelligence she's encountered, and what it’s trying to accomplish.
These new sessions offer clues as to its intent, its view of the planet and our place as a part of it, and how it seems to believe we've become disconnected from our planetary body.
Are we a kind of cancer? Can the body be saved? Can we?
She also describes the government response, the individuals who have been tasked with handling this crisis, and all the emotions involved.
The initial session gave Jaworski some stark and unsettling insight. Using her RV method, known as transdimensional mapping, Jaworski was tasked — blindly — with viewing what turned out to be a photograph of one of the drones.
Her session was recorded and later posted online. That first installment has now been followed up by two additional videos, which dive even deeper into the nature of what’s driving the recent incursions.
Part II:
Part III:
Like the original, these videos are mesmerizing, and reveal both the magic of her technique, and the depth of her insight. the first in the series be viewed here:
Part I:
Jaworski has founded a UFO research and activism group in Albuquerque, NM — ABQ UFOs — and is a leader in the fight for disclosure.
To learn more about Birdie, take one of her classes, or read her book:
Music Credits:Music: Cinematic Logo 04 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: under CC BY 4.0: Technology Calm Logo 01 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: under CC BY 4.0:
Neon Galactic is a production of PBS affiliate KEET-TV in Eureka, CA.
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#jerseysdrones #Remoteviewing #neongalactic #UAP #space #aliens #magic #occult #manyworlds #multiverse #ufo #consciousness #phenomenon #ghosts #afterlife #NDE #NHI