On this episode of Neon Galactic, I sit down with philosopher and author Michael Grosso to talk about this unfolding moment in history, and how it represents a near-death experience for our species.
It’s not difficult to discern what’s becoming more and more obvious every day. I try desperately to stay positive and embrace the possible, but maintaining that kind of optimism is getting harder.
What once seemed like a dark smudge on the horizon, a future that seemed likely to get more and more bleak as we continued careening down the path of selfish pursuit and materialism, both kinds, has now begun to accelerate.
Climate change is a fact, and the consequences are obvious in the swirling fire storms that are at this moment burning Los Angeles and turning million dollar neighborhoods into charcoal.
Nuclear war has again feared its ugly head, with the sudden hike in defcon delirium apparently attracting an army of ghostly drones and orbs who seem drawn like flies to the deadly energetic potential.
Billionaires have seized control of government and media, promising more and better manipulation of information at a time when truth has already become impossible to recognize.
Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and many more, all of these names representing a new and revitalized aristocracy that thrives on chaos, on the social divisions that have spread like a metastasizing cancer. Despite these deteriorating conditions, the new aristocracy seeks only to further enrich itself on the back of our consumptive diseases.
These men have captured the information environment, and they’re now frantically racing to develop and embrace artificial intelligence and quantum computing so they can later dominate what’s done with all that information.
None of these outcomes are settled. Miracles can and do occur, and we still have some time to pivot. But doing so will likely require a wholesale reassessment of how we engage in the world, and of who we are.
So maybe that’s the point?
We have the power to shape reality, and to imagine for ourselves a different, more hope-filled and loving future.
But will we? To do so would require us to wake up and embrace our potential in a new and transformative way. Is this what the universe is trying to tell us?
Michael Grosso, co-author of the classic “Irreducible Mind,” describes the current situation and how his book, “The Final Choice: Death or Transcendence,” is proving more and more prophetic.
We discuss what such a new way of being might look like, and how it might manifest.
To buy Michael Grosso’s books:
Music Credits:
Music: Cinematic Logo 04 by TaigaSoundProd
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8221-cinematic-logo-04
Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Music: Technology Calm Logo 01 by TaigaSoundProd
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6660-technology-calm-logo-01
Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
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