Please note: this episode was planned and recorded before the results of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election. While we are still processing the events of this past week, like so many of you, reading offers us an escape. This week, we want to ensure our podcast remains a safe space for our community and those looking to discuss books with a little humor. While this episode’s rant section discusses dating and men with funny anecdotes, we will be back next week with more thoughts. 

We launched this podcast with the goal of finding others who read to cope with life in their twenties, and we’re always here for you. Happy reading besties - Karly & Mia

Karly & Mia are back with another round of reading BookTok books so you don’t have to. So, which reads are worth your time? The girls share their thoughts on some appropriately hyped reads, including Gild, A Fate Inked in Blood, and When the Moon Hatched. Recently, they’ve also been on a kick of underhyped gems like Blood and Steel, Spark of the Everflame, and Song of the Marked. Of course, there are always a few overhyped disappointments (did the period blood in Heartless Hunter bother anyone else?)

The rant of the week: delusional men in the dating world. The girls recount various ick-inducing encounters including Karly’s ex-boyfriend hard launching his new relationship (via a joint Instagram post). If you’ve ever had a man ask you to split the bill on a third date and then watched him take the leftovers to go, you’re safe here. 

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