Avsnitt Single Mamahood and being unapologetically you with Daisy- Mum About Town Tits, Tums and All Things Mum Spela Dela Facebook Twitter Kopiera länk
WARNING! This podcast contains explicit content from graphic mum life moments to profanities, rants and a whole load of laughs. Not for tiny ears! In this episode I chat with the lovely Daisy about being a single mum and being unapologetically herself! Think you can take on Stroller Speedway? Drop me a DM on Instagram and we will get you booked in! TRIGGER WARNING- none Host- Lottie Instagram-www.instagram.com/alittlebitoflottie Guest- Daisy www.instagram.com/mum_abouttown If you enjoyed this episode please don't forget to subscribe, download and leave a review on your listening platform. Thanks for listening! Podcast sponsored by Cover My Bubble- affordable family life insurance- https://www.covermybubble.co.uk Podcast produced by https://www.cheekymonkeyvideos.co.uk To watch this episode head to https://www.youtube.com/@AllThingsMumPodcast Rss Apple Podcaster →