Episode Highlights
▶ The New Year’s Soul Activation, a pay-what-you-wish event held in-person on January 8th in New York and online on January 9th (and in person on Jan 10th)
▶ What neurolinguistic programming is and how Beth is weaving it into her work
▶ The difference between traditional New Year’s resolutions and intentional, guided co-creation practices
▶ How clearing limiting beliefs can open the path to realizing your true purpose
▶ The importance of curiosity, journaling, and rituals in manifesting your goals
▶ Real-life examples of how intentional visioning has led to transformative outcomes
Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources
▶ Soul Activation & Abundance Workshop: https://go.bethaweinstein.com/2025-soul-activation-and-manifestation/
Learn more: www.BethAWeinstein.com and get her free trainings:
▶ Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business/
▶ Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/
▶ Beth’s Coaching Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching
▶ Other Offerings: https://bethaweinstein.com/services
▶ Instagram: / bethaweinstein
▶ FB: / bethw.nyc & / bethweinsteinbiz
▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines
Download Beth's free trainings here:
Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business
Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business
▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching
▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services
▶ Instagram: @bethaweinstein
▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz
▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines