On this episode of the Alchemi-Culture Podcast, Phoenix is joined by Tanjariita Anttila. They discuss many wonderful aspects of Traditional Finnish Medicine including:

-Finnish wet saunas & most efficient way to reap the benefits of a sauna session

-Liquid Peat, and how to use it medicinally

-The fascinating world of using leeches medicinally, or hirudotherapy

-Wet cupping and the difference between that and dry cupping

-Interesting aspects of Finnish herbalism

-The wonderful therapeutic offerings of Tanjariita's gorgeous Blue Star Resort in Montana

-The best hot springs to experience in Montana (and Utah!)

-And more!

Tanjariitta was born and raised in Finland, in a rural farm setting. Her deep connection and appreciation for nature and the healing it offers was born of the forests around her childhood home - the same forests that she still holds dear and stewards to this day. Her love of the natural world only grew stronger as she ventured out into the world. She moved abroad straight after high school to pursue her education, first to Sweden and eventually to the United States. It is there that she acquired initially her undergraduate degree in fine arts and eventually her master's degree in clinical therapy. Tanjariitta has been a Licensed Psychotherapist for over 20 years, with her primary therapy approach having been somatic in nature early on in her career. She is certified in Heart-Centered hypnotherapy, yoga, yoga therapy and medicinal essential oils. Most recently she completed her year and a half long certification in Finland as a Finnish sauna therapist just this past spring. Though sauna is in her blood from birth, Tanjariitta felt it was important to formally join the ranks of those upholding the old Finnish healing traditions so as to help in preserving this knowledge. Today, she combines her vast backgrounds by offering one on one treatments and sessions, group events, therapeutic intensives and retreats for people from all over the world at the BlueStar Resort and Retreat Center in Columbia Falls, Montana.

Tanjariita's Blue Star Resort in Montana: bluestarresortmt.com

Her sauna packages and offerings: sauna60.com

Book mentioned in this episode:

Saunan Salaisuus by Merja Pihlajamäki and Mervi Hongisto: saunaterapia.com/wp/?page_id=43

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