On this episode of the Alchemi-Culture Podcast, Phoenix interviews historian, inventor, and researcher Crichton Miller where they discuss fascinating, little known, aspects of the Celtic Cross and other topics including:

-Crichton's hypothesis that the Celtic Cross was used in ancient times for advanced maritime navigation, astronomical observation, and full spherical geometry

-The Celtic Cross might not have been an actual Christian Cross like has been supposed

-The deep linguistic roots and cosmological roots hidden in plain sight in ancient architecture

-Ancient navigation, including lunar distancing, the importance of midnight on the winter solstice and using the constellations

-Why ancient Egypt might have been the central timekeeping area of the entire world at that time

-The secret symbols embedded in the Knights Templar seal

-The main difference between Sidereal Astrology and other forms of astrology

-Interesting links between the alphabet and the zodiac

-Why The Great Pyramid was the first and last proper pure temple ever built

-The importance of archeological testaments to humanity

-Surprising reasons why the inch, foot, mile and ancient 'cubit' are hugely significant units of measurement

-How you can build your own Celtic Cross tool

-And much more!

Crichton Miller is a successful entrepreneur, author, inventor, and an unbiased historical researcher. Crichton is responsible for patenting the wheel cross design, commonly recognized as one of the religious symbols of Christianity and also known in Scotland as the Holy Rood, after which the Scottish Parliament is named. Following established scientific principles, he subjected his findings for investigation by the GB Patent Office and was successfully granted two patents in 2001 and 2002 for the cross shaped instrument as a surveying, astronomical and navigation instrument as the forerunner to the theodolite and sextant. The patents' instructions and drawings are printed in his book, The Golden Thread of Time. Crichton's groundbreaking book removes the historical protectionism of Guilds and Orders revealing some of the lost or forgotten secrets of the ancients to the world for the first time.

Links and books mentioned in this episode

-Crichton on academia.edu- https://cilt.academia.edu/CrichtonMillerKLFCILT

-Crichton's article 'Archeoastronomy and the Solar Cross The Missing Link?'- https://www.academia.edu/44091719/Archeoastronomy_and_the_Solar_Cross_The_Missing_Link_By_Crichton_E_M_Miller

-Crichton's book The Golden Thread of Time: A Quest for the Truth and Hidden Knowledge of the Ancients - https://amzn.to/49C8PHA

-Brian Pellar and his writings on the alphabet- https://brianpellar.com/origins-of-alphabet

-The Celestial Code of Scripture: The Astral Cipher Underlying the Miracle Stories of the Bible and Qur'an by John McHugh- https://amzn.to/49Zvvl5

-The Undying Stars: The Truth That Unites the World's Ancient Wisdom and the Conspiracy to Keep It from You by David Warner Mathisen- https://amzn.to/438u9CC

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