Welcome back to the madness! Does our intrepid band of misfits again attempt to prove that the yeeting of goblins is a valid solution to a problem? And do they succeed? Listen to find out!
Welcome to Havoc Brigade!, a game written by Grant Howitt, and available here -- https://gshowitt.itch.io/havoc-brigade
Admittedly, this game does seem to feel a bit more lively and fun when played around an actual table, and it one continuous session. That said, we all had fun playing it, and I hope you all enjoy listening to our madness!
It's also worth noting that we did take this rather "cartoony" quite quickly, and it certainly does not have to be played that way. However, as much as we mention this game, we also felt like yall should hear us play it!
The Cast:
"New Steve" -- 'Sergent' Shivvit Deadeye, half-orc infiltrator
Ben -- Moontoof, Wyrdforest Shaman
Terry -- The Goblins (Stinky Pete, Stab, Snot, Brain, Bang, and Gobblit)
Eric -- The Ox
Hagan -- Profanius, devout Paladin of Bog-Al-Karukk
"Old Steve" -- GM
We greatly appreciate the donations of our Patreon supporters: Eric Witman, Jeff McKinney, Joshua Gopal-Boyd, Dave Smith, Brett Bowen, Streety, Nate Doverspike, and Dec! Y'all make keeping this going possible!
As always folks, have fun, be kind to each other, and go play some rpgs!
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