ROOT TO FLOURISH: Godliness and Contentment Beyond Riches with Joshua Liem | ALMSGIVING 02

1 Timothy 6:6-19 NET

This Sunday we dive further into the discipline of almsgiving, reflecting on what it means to pursue godliness with contentment. How might true contentment change your relationship with what you have?  Join us as we explore how generosity shapes our lives and reflects God’s heart, and maybe even discover the secret of contentment.

For reflection & discussion:

If you were to measure your level of contentment on a scale of 1 to 10 – where 1 is feeling the anxiety of greed and a desire for more, and 10 is feeling non-anxious and satisfied with what you have – where would you plot yourself right now?

Where are you experiencing a lack of margin in your life in your relationships, schedule, or finances?

What is one area in your life that you could possibly simplify (schedule, possessions, finances, etc.)?

Name some of the best things in your life right now. What are you most grateful for?


Basic: Identify something you own that you do not need, and give it away or sell it and give the money to someone in need.

Do a budget session on excel/google sheets:

Calculate your income per month.  Also calculate any expected bonuses, tips, side gigs, or tax refunds per year.

Calculate expenses. You can look up “budget template” from Google or ChatGPT for an example.

Categorize your expenses, fitting each line into one of four categories: need, enjoy, save, give. 

Prayerfully go through each item and consider: How am I meant to properly steward this resource? 

Reach: Pick a room or area of your life, go through it thoughtfully and peacefully, and simplify it down to the essentials. This could be your closet, bedroom, living room, kitchen, garage, etc.

 As you quietly observe each item in the room, consider holding it up before God.

Ask yourself questions: Do I really need this? Could I live without this? Would my life possibly be better without this unnecessary item? Rather than asking ourselves how we can get more, we’re pondering how we could live with less.

 Make four piles for the unnecessary items: 01. Throw away. 02. Recycle. 03. Sell. 04. Give away.

 Give your extra stuff away. You can give to the poor via the Salvation Army or a local donation drop, or give directly to someone you know. 

Go sit in the decluttered room or area, and pay attention to how you feel. Spend a few minutes in gratitude to God for the goodness of ordinary life.


Randy Alcorn, “Twelve Giving Stories,” Eternal Perspective Ministries, Feb 16, 2010, 

Randy Alcorn, Giving is the Good Life: The Unexpected Path to Purpose and Joy, Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House Publisher Inc., 2019. 

Carey Nieuwhof and Lee Domingue, “Why is it so hard to pastor business leaders?” podcast, Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast, episode 686, October 29, 2024,

John Mark Comer, Generosity, Practicing The Way Resources, (requires login).  

“Generosity 02: Watch Out for Greed!”, Rule of Life Podcast, Sept 3 2024.

ChatGPT conversations:

Climate Refugees and Church: 

Church Fathers on 1 Tim: 

Rich Christians Giving Generously: 

Feedback on Sermon: 

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