Avsnitt 079 - The Princess and the Queen For A Few Chickens More: A Song of Schweiss and Johnson - A Game of Thrones Podcast Spela Dela Facebook Twitter Kopiera länk
We're back! We bring with us a discussion of the episodes themes, high and low points, and some unwelcome talk of politics... Enjoy! Official Podcast Network Site: https://geekdomentertainment.net/ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ForAFewChickensMore Discord Server: discord.gg/cFFx4N5 Tweet Kaleb: https://twitter.com/UFFPodcast Other Helpful Links: Paypal Donations: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=PV47BX468GPN2 Check out our Final Fantasy show, Ultima Final Fantasy: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ultimafinalfantasy RSS Feed: https://ultimafinalfantasy.libsyn.com/rss Check Out Our other gaming show, [Nude]Clan: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/nudeclangaming RSS Feed: https://nudeclan.libsyn.com/rss #GameofThrones #HouseoftheDragon #ASOIAF #Thrones #fantasy Rss Apple Podcaster →