Chronic Illness and Health Saboteurs

In this LTYG Podcast, I talk with Chiropractor and Functional Nutritionist Dr. Thomas Kutchenbrod about the common ways he sees his clients sabotage their own healing. We understand what are the top health saboteurs that are impacting your healing journey from chronic gut disorders.

We discuss the most common patterns and behaviours we’ve observed and how to lean into this crucial piece of healing any autoimmune or chronic illness.

Why are many (most?) people with Crohn’s or colitis considered overachievers, Type A personalities and people-pleasers who find it hard to say NO and set boundaries?

What is the pathway out of victimhood (why me? poor me! someone else is to blame!) into self-responsibility and self-empowerment? Learn all this and more in this podcast discussion.

Book a free discovery call with Dr. Kutchenbrod

Crohn’s, Colitis, Diverticulitis, IBS: What are Your Top Health Saboteurs? Find out…

You can watch the video, or listen to the podcast.

Further Reading:

Let Go Of The “I Am Sick” Identity Why Is My Gut Not Healing Faster? Using Emotions To Unlock Your Self-Healing Power The Paradox of Healing Healing the Roots & Layers in Chronic Illness


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