Our beINSPIRED Podcast brings you the stories of inspiring and world-beating athletes who have turned adversity into opportunity. The podcast series, hosted by Carrie Brown, reveals the key figures and moments that have helped propel our beINSPIRED guests from aspiring athletes into the world’s elite. By sharing their journeys we continue our commitment to provide a platform to incredible role models across all sports.
Episode 1: Nadia Nadim - If you are suffering cabin fever and need to gain some motivation then press play on Nadia’s remarkable journey. Nadia was forced to escape Afghanistan after her father’s murder but went on to take her adopted country to the final of Euro 2017 and was subsequently named Dane of the year. Now Nadia plays for European giants PSG and if she could choose a soundtrack to her life it would be written by Drake “Started from the bottom, now we’re here!” Sound on, prepare to #beINSPIRED
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